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General Service Representatives

of the Greater New York Area

Image by Jermaine Ee (@eejermaine) on Unsplash

GSRs of NY

Greater New York Area D.A. General Service Representatives Monthly Meetings

We currently meet from 6:00PM – 7:30PM EST on the Last Wednesday of each month, except August (World Service Conference) and December (Holiday Season). 

All D.A. members are welcome to attend. Anyone potentially interested in becoming a GSR is especially encouraged to attend NY GSR meetings.

Link to GSR Web Noticeboard

Link to GSR Meeting Schedule

Contact us at

Donations via check
Please note, we no longer have a public post office box.
Email for our residential mailing address.

How to make a 7th Tradition donation to this meeting

For a receipt, you will get an electronic notification when you check your activity in PayPal, Zelle or Venmo.

For any questions or guidance regarding making a contribution via these online methods or how the group’s treasury is operated, please contact the group’s Treasurer via email at


Not necessarily. It might be a better idea to continue to host events, raise funds, and save these funds until your meeting can send a GSR to the D.A. World Service Conference (D.A. WSC) even if this takes a couple of years. The events hosted by your meeting help to strengthen your meeting. Meetings with strong recovery yield members that step up to serve at the Intergroup, General Service Representative, and Appointed Committee Member D.A. Board levels.

Yes. The NY GSR receives donations from meetings who have a surplus after meeting their own needs.  The surplus is divided into 45% going to metro NYC Intergroup, 45% going to the General Service Office and 10% going to the metro NY GSR group. After the NY GSR has met its operating expenses, the remainder is available to assist meetings whose GSRs have attended 7 out of 11 GSR meetings. The amount that the NY GSR can contribute to a GSR varies each year according to contributions received from local groups and is distributed in June. 

Yes. We consider the donation going to the meeting, not to a particular person.

Yes. The GSR Treasurer has created an excel spreadsheet that matches the WSC Registration packet with examples of expenses and the spreadsheet is set up to calculate. Please talk to the GSR Treasurer and they will help you with the spreadsheet.

Yes. We don’t know how much to fund each recipient until we know how much each recipient needs.

The funds should be refunded to the NY GSR, but not to exceed the amount provided to the GSR by the NY GSR.  These funds should be refunded to the NY GSR in September of that same year.

Yes. Sometimes it happens that the 10% of a meeting’s surplus funds annually is quite a small amount even when the meeting is abundant. If a meeting is successful at the events it provides, a meeting may find they not only have the GSR funds for this year but that they are well on their way to funding the next year as well. In this case, especially if the meeting has accepted funds from the NY GSR in the past, they may want to donate some of their surplus GSR funds, so that the NY GSR can help to send another meeting’s GSR to the D.A. World Service.

Yes. All contributions from members are greatly appreciated.

Not necessarily. Events hosted by meetings are one of the ways we carry the message and actively work Step 12. The benefits of hosting an event are not only for the participants who attend but also for those who volunteer their time and effort.

 Yes. Many of our GSR are well-versed in hosting events. Have your GSR talk to the GSR Chair and GSR Treasurer as early as September so that there is enough time for your meeting to meet its goals by June the following year.

No. The NY GSR is there to support your meeting’s event and GSR fundraising.

No. The GSR can participate, but the meeting needs to have an Events Coordinator who is supported by the meeting to put on events such as Step Studies and Share A Days.

The size of your meeting doesn’t matter. The NY GSR can show you how to conduct a Phone Step Study for your meeting and receive donations electronically. They can also show you how to utilize the services of the D.A. Intergroup to get the word out. (You may even have global participants attending your event!)

Yes, as long as your meeting is registered with, has a group number, and be in the group’s region (See the Meeting Page on this website).

Do you have additional questions about NY GSRs?