D.A. Newsletters & Magazines
The Bottom Line
The Bottom Line” is a newsletter published by the NY Area Intergroup containing a collection of recovery stories written by D.A. members. D.A. groups and D.A. members have the right to reproduce and distribute them.
No fee, other than reimbursement of the printing cost, may be charged for any literature published by NYC Intergroup.
The Bottom Line
To read or download a previous issue of The Bottom Line, our D.A. NYC newsletter, click on a date.

Downloadable Fellowship Publications
D.A. Ways & Means Quarterly Magazine
A D.A. recovery magazine filled with stories by D.A. members about their personal recovery in the program of Debtors Anonymous. Published quarterly, it’s available to download and distribute on the D.A. WSO website.
DA Focus
The D.A. Focus is a service newsletter with up-to-date reports from the World Service Conference and General Service Board, as well as service-related articles. Also published quarterly, it’s available to download and distribute on the D.A. WSO website.
Submission Guidelines for the Bottom Line – D.A. NYC Newsletter
All Debtors Anonymous members are invited to share their experience, strength and hope on the pages of The Bottom Line, a publication of the Debtors Anonymous of Greater New York Intergroup. It is available in its Web form at www.danyc.org as The Bottom Line Online. Old issues going back to the 1980’s are also available online.
Why Write for The Bottom Line?
- It’s a great way to do service.
- Your experience helps the Bottom Line be an effective tool for solvent and serene living, and is a vital, accurate picture of the ever-growing D.A. Fellowship.
- Whether you’re a newcomer or a long timer, your input is valuable.
Any D.A. topic is fine. Some ideas:
- Tell us about your recovery in D.A.
- Share tips on using the Tools
- Discuss your experience with the Steps
- Thoughts on the Traditions
- A one-liner, recounting something you experienced in a meeting
- A short but sweet incident that you want to relate
- A longer article (between 300 and 400 words) on a particular subject.
- If a lot of editing is needed, we will ask your permission first.
- We edit for grammar and clarity of thought.
- Of course, strict anonymity will be kept. You can sign your article with first name only, initials, or any other name or phrase you like.
Publication process
- Many factors influence the publication schedule, but be assured that all writings will be published unless deemed unsuitable.
- In accordance with the spirit of the 6th and 10th Traditions, we do not publish anything that could be considered an outside issue.
- The Debtors Anonymous of Greater New York Intergroup copyrights the Bottom Line. Of course, your original material belongs to you.
- We do not accept anything published elsewhere, except with appropriate permissions.
- You do not have to live in the greater New York area to contribute.
Where to send your Bottom Line article
The preferred method is to send your submission as text in the body of an email to bottomlineeditor@yahoo.com.
Or send typed or handwritten submissions to:
Bottom Line
c/o Debtors Anonymous of Greater New York
P.O. Box 452
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10163
These guidelines are published by the Debtors Anonymous of Greater NY Intergroup and were adapted from the guidelines for submissions to the AA publication The Grapevine.